
Physics Nobel Prize 2022 : Quantum Entanglement

The Royal Swedish Academy decided to award the prestigious Nobel Prize 2022 in Physics to Alain Aspect, John F Clauser and Anton Zeilinger.  #NobelPrize2022

World's most powerful telescope developed by NASA and ESA, revealed its first stunning images

 NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and ESA(European Space Agency) launched world's strongest and most powerful space telescope on December 25, 2021 namely James Webb Space Telescope in the honor of James Edwin Webb (Former administrator of NASA). JWST is a successor of Hubble Telescope ( Launched in 1990). On July 11, 2022 JWST released it first astonishing images.  Have a look on these images ( C redits: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI) Infrared Image of Universe ( SMACS 0723) Stephan's Quintet Carina Nebula ā€œCosmic Cliffsā€ in the Carina Nebula Stephan's Quintet Stephan's Quintet (MIRI Image)

Send you name on Moon : Artemis Program

You can send your name on the Moon, The spacecraft will carry a flash drive with your name onboard. Get your boarding pass. NASA's ARTEMIS PROGRAM. Register Your name, Click below Send your name on Moon : NASA Humans are returning to the Moon, next man and First female will be on Moon by 2024.

ARTEMIS PROGRAM : Humans are returning to Moon by 2024

 Humans are returning to Moon by 2024, NASA is currently working on this mission with international collaboration. First female and next man will be on the surface of Moon. Hello dear Moon we are coming...

How to register for COVID-19 Vaccination Drive India?

You can register to India's Largest Vaccine Drive against COVID-19 by following steps Registration for age group 18-45 will start on April 28,2021 (4PM). Register Here Remember Vaccination is very important to defeat Coronavirus. Don't listen heresay, Register your family members and encourage everyone for vaccination. India and the world will eradicate COVID-19 together.

Coronavirus Data, Total Vaccination, Total Cases, Recovery Rate, and other data

    Coronavirus Data, Number of vaccination per country, Number of new cases, recovery rate, Covid-19 is more deadly than flu. Stay Home, Stay Safe and Be kind to everyone, Its time to unite not to take advantage. Thanx to Doctors, Nurses, Sanitation Workers, Scientists, IT Professionals, Govt and everyone who is with us from the beginning of this pandemic. Keep yourself busy, Don't spread rumers and Stay Happy and

Muon g-2 experiment at FermiLab may throw light on new physics

Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab, USA  show that Muon is inconsistence in g-value as predicted by Slandered Model of Particle Physics. This could led to new type of force or particle

Millennium Maths Problems (US $7M Prize for 7 Maths Problems) and Mr Perelman

Here are seven most difficult mathematical problems, the prize money announced by Clay Mathematicle Institute(CMI) is US $1M for one problem's solution. Till now only one problem has been solved by Russian Mathematician Mr Perelman and he declined the prize money.